Privacy notice

In accordance with EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679, “GDPR”). Version 1.1, dated 03 May 2018.

This information may be subject to changes from time to time due to i.a. technical reasons and/or change of Forestry TEP’s services providers, applicable legislation and legal interpretations.

1. Name of the register

Forestry TEP user database and website visitors

2. Controller, data protection officer and contact person


Name: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (”VTT”), Business ID: 2647375-4
Address: Tekniikantie 21, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

Address: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Register Office, P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
Email: (Data Protection Officer and information security manager and their substitutes)

Contact person concerning the register:

Name: Renne Tergujeff
Address: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland

3. Categories of the personal data

  • Contact information, such as:
    • first name, last name, title,
    • company,
    • e-mail address,
    • phone,
    • address, city.
  • Other basic information, such as:
    • language selection,
    • connection to Forestry TEP,
    • origin of the information,
    • data subject’s areas of interest and content preferences.
  • Status of consent where consent is relevant, and date and the manner how consent was recorded or collected, and possible objections to processing.

The data subjects are natural persons representing Forestry TEP’s potential and current customers and other interest groups, and subscribers of Forestry TEP publications.

4. Purposes of the processing and the legal basis for the processing

The personal data is primarily processed for the following purposes:

  • Identifying and contacting the data subject for purposes of registering the data subject’s consents and objections to processing
  • Marketing and communication activities, including direct marketing, such as:
    • Newsletter communication
    • Webinar participation, arrangements and communication
    • Email communication
    • Event invitations
    • Webinar invitations
    • Other Forestry TEP sales, marketing and advertising activities
    • Business development, other internal development and reporting

The personal data is processed on the basis of 1) legitimate interest of the data controller, 2) contractual relationship with the data subject and/or 3) legal obligation of the data controller. Also 4) consent of the data subject may be requested and constitute legal basis for the processing, as applicable. The legitimate interest of the data controller is the right to conduct well-grounded, justified and legitimate sales, advertising and marketing activities, including profiling in this purpose.

5. Regular sources of information

Contact information and Other basic information is collected either from the data subject or filled in on the basis of public sources or from VTT registers, such as VTT CRM.

Status of consent for processing purposes, where consent is relevant, is acquired when the data subject has provided its consent in connection with registration or otherwise and may thereafter be changed by the data subject by means listed in paragraph 11.

6. Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data

Forestry TEP may provide third parties with such personal data which is needed by a third party (i) in order to provide Forestry TEP with marketing and/or technical services related to Forestry TEP users or other similar processing purposes and/or (ii) for collaboration with Forestry TEP which requires joint efforts in marketing and communication. Each provision of data is done in accordance with requirements of GDPR and applicable legislation.

7. Transfer of data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

The personal data is not regularly but may exceptionally be transferred outside the EU or EEA if this is necessary to ensure appropriate and cost-effective implementation of the processing purpose, such as in case of technical reasons related to Forestry TEP’s service provider. In such cases, the transfer is done in accordance with requirements of GDPR and applicable legislation.

In case of absence of European Commission (“EC”) adequacy decisions, EC standard contractual clauses are used as appropriate or suitable safeguards for these data transfers. Whenever EC adequacy decisions are applicable, Forestry TEP may rely on them.

8. The existence of automated decision-making, including profiling

The personal data is processed for profiling of the data subject for purposes of targeting marketing, communication and sales activities to the data subject in accordance with the data subject’s areas of interest and preferences, especially for direct marketing purposes. No automated decision-making or profiling which produces legal effects or has similar material effects concerning the data subject is made.

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9. The period for which the personal data is stored or the criteria used to determine that period

The personal data is processed as long as it is needed for the purpose of any processing purpose set forth above. In the Forestry TEP system, personal data is mainly processed only until (i) two (2) months from the first invitation sent from the system if the data subject has not reacted to said invitation, or (ii) two (2) years have lapsed from the latest other message that the data subject has opened or read, whichever is longer. In case of Forestry TEP publication subscription, the personal data is processed as long as the data subject has a valid subscription at Forestry TEP. For other purposes, the data may be processed longer but only to the extent it is necessary for the processing purpose. After this or in case the data subject withdraws his or her relevant consent earlier, the data subject’s personal data is either anonymised or deleted unless other applicable legal basis for processing remains.

10. Principles of protection of the register

Personal data is stored in a technically secure location. Physical access to the data is restricted by means of access control and other security measures. Access is also prevented by means of e.g. firewalls and other technical protection measures. At Forestry TEP, only named persons have the right to process personal data contained in the register. These persons are bound by confidentiality obligations.

11. Rights of the data subject

The data subjects have the following rights that the data subject can always establish by contacting VTT in writing, preferably by email, or as detailed below. Some of the rights may be subject to limitations, in accordance with GDPR and applicable legislation.

The data subject is requested to contact Forestry TEP from an email address which Forestry TEP presumably has in its register(s). Forestry TEP may also request further information or documentation in order to verify person’s identity. 

Right to withdraw consent   

The data subject may change their status or fully withdraw their consent by contacting Forestry TEP in writing, preferably by email to the following address:  

Right of access   

The data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her is being processed and access to his or her personal data and information concerning the processing.

Right to rectification     

The data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her, and the right to have incomplete personal data completed.

Right to erasure    

The data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her, to the extent permitted by law. 

Right to restriction of processing    

The data subjects have the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing, as set forth in GPDR.

Right to data portability    

Where the processing is based on the data subject’s consent or contractual relationship and is carried out by automated means, the data subjects have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to the controller and have the right to transmit those data to another controller.

Right to object    

Where the personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interest of the controller, the data subjects have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such purpose. This may be relevant mainly in the following cases:

  • Direct marketing:

The data subject may object to the processing of his or her personal data for direct marketing purposes by notifying this objection in writing to Forestry TEP, preferably by email to the following address:

  • Profiling:

In case the data subject wishes not to be profiled, the data subject is advised to see Section 8 for further information and if objection is also considered necessary, notify this objection to Forestry TEP in writing, preferably by email to the following address:

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

The data subjects have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman) if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data breaches the data subject’s rights pursuant to GDPR.