Platform Services

Subscription packages are available in three variations, to match the users’ varying needs. The Basic, Standard and Premium packages cater to increasing need of functionality, processing power and storage space. New users are entitled to a 30 days free trial. Additionally, Sen2Like is available in pay-per-use mode.

For research and pre-commercial use, you can receive ESA sponsorship to cover the costs of our services via the Network of Resources.


  • Software:
    Sen2Cor and Fmask for atmospheric correction;
    Sentinel-2 & Landsat 8 archive unpacker Envimon;
    GUI tools SNAP and QGIS;
    GDAL tools;
    ALSMetrics for airborne laser scanning data
  • 75 h processing / month
  • 500 GB storage


  • Software:
    All the software in the Basic packageplus:
    Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 mosaicking / combining tools
  • 200 h processing / month
  • 1000 GB storage

New F-TEP (beta)
see intro below


  • Software:
    As in the Standard package 
  • 500 h processing / month
  • 10 000 GB storage

New F-TEP (beta)
see intro below

30 days trial

  • Software:
    As in the Premium package
  • 25 h processing / month
  • 50 GB Storage




Sen2Like pay-per-use service, enabling harmonised or fused surface reflectance combined from Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 inputs

Software available in the subscriptions are decribed in the Offering page and in the User Manual.

Data catalogue including Sentinels, Landsat and more is included in all subscriptions.

Development interface and API access are included in all subscriptions.

Online help desk support with 1 day response time during working days is included in all subscriptions.

Processing configuration utilizes 8 cores, 32 GB RAM and 128 GB SSD storage. Parallel processing is possible. Other configurations can be arranged upon request; please contact us with your specific needs or questions.

Discount of 5% is offered on 12 month contracts, and discount of 10% is offered on 24 month contracts. For academic users, a discount of 10% is additionally offered.

Subscriptions are managed on a monthly basis and renewed automatically. Subscription can be terminated or changed with a (minimum five days) advance notice before the end of the contract. The full price shall be paid upfront. To upgrade your subscription package, please contact the help desk.

New F-TEP (beta) is an initial release of an advanced, revised edition of Forestry TEP, building on the Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Common Architecture (EOEPCA). It upgrades the platform architecture to employ Kubernetes, providing improved performance and robustness. The users can also enjoy, e.g., new capabilities for inter-platform collaboration and the possibility for cross-platform reuse of developed applications, exploiting a new processing service concept based on the OGC Best Practice for Earth Observation Application Package.

Sen2Like enables combining Sentinel-2 with Landsat data, to reach a denser time series of harmonised or fused surface reflectance products. The service is offered in pay-per-use mode (for a minimum of 100 input images). The user first acquires a suitable number of credits, which are then consumed in processing, based purely on the number of images.

Expert services

VTT specialist team is available for training, consulting and other expert services.


Forestry TEP Exploitation Support

In the form of a) tutorials and other documentation and b) direct consultancy to the user.


Feasibility Analysis

To support the assessment of maturity of a processing service for publishing on the platform, we offer due diligence analysis for service onboarding.


Onboarding Support

Recommended as a follow-up to the Feasibility Analysis, to support the service finalization and onboarding.


Customized user trainings

To support the efficient use of the platform. The training events can be fully tailored by the audience and the needs of the users.


Contact us

Sponsorship via the ESA Network of Resources (NoR)

The European Space Agency (ESA) has set up the Network of Resources (NoR) to stimulate the uptake of platform services. Forestry TEP is an eligible service provider in the NoR: for research and pre-commercial uses, our users can apply for sponsorship to cover the costs of the platform use.

To apply for free use of our platform packages, head to the NoR Portfolio page, from where you can access the NoR service portal. There, scroll down or search for “VTT”. Select Pricing Wizard and follow the instructions in filling in the form. Export the completed application as a pdf document, obtain the needed signatures and send it to ESA for approval (in 1-2 weeks).

We also arrange tailored platform services, as well as user trainings and other support services. With any requests or questions, please contact us! We will be glad to assist you.