
Forestry TEP provides a range of features to support you to take full advantage of the expanding databases of Earth Observation and auxiliary datasets and the benefits of powerful online processing approaches in your forest monitoring activities.

Through Forestry TEP, you can

  • Sentinel 1, 2 and 3 (globally)
  • Landsat 5, 7 and 8 (for Europe)
  • Ancillary datasets (e.g. forest field plots)
  • Access to the databases of CREODIAS
  • Access to additional datasets can be arranged, please contact us to see how we could arrange it.

  • Cloud masking (FMask4.0) and basic image processing (Vegetation Indices etc., see below)
  • Open source software Orfeo Tool Box, SNAP and QGIS
  • Specialized forest monitoring applications (Probability, Autochange etc., see below)

  • Docker based development interface allows easy implementation of your own processing scripts and services in your preferred programming language.
  • Easy sharing of scripts within the Forestry TEP community

  • Easy sharing of data, services and products within the forestry community, and marketing commercial forest and land monitoring services.

  • To support the efficient use of the platform. The training events and consulting can be fully tailored to your needs. Contact us for more information.

Service portfolio

The Forestry TEP service portfolio covers thematic processing services and supporting processing services, as well as interactive applications. The User Manual gives detailed guidance on how to use each service and tool.

In the tables below, services and tools that are listed as being available in either the Basic or Standard packages are readily available to all platform users. The services listed as “by agreement” are also deployed on the platform, and they can be made available for use through a separate agreement. Interested users are encouraged to contact us for enquiries.

Thematic Processing Services

Provider Availability Title Description Input Output
Forestry TEP Standard package VegetationIndices Computation of radiometric indices (NDVI, TNDVI, RVI, SAVI, TSAVI, MSAVI, MSAVI2, GEMI, IPVI) Note: supports batch processing Sentinel-2 L1C (1 or more) GeoTIFF
Forestry TEP Standard package ForestChangeS2 Forest change mapping based on the ratio of red reflectance between two images 2 x Sentinel-2 L1C GeoTIFF
Forestry TEP Standard package LandCoverGeotiff Land cover mapping with image classification trained by the Random Forest model, based on the algorithm implementation in the Orfeo ToolBox GeoTIFF, Reference data (Shapefile) GeoTIFF
Hatfield logo UBC logo Basic Package SpectralRecovery Automated analysis of satellite EO data time series to monitor vegetation recovery in forested ecosystems. More information: Image time series (GeoTIFF) from e.g. Sentinel-2 or Landsat, interest area polygons (Shapefile or GeoPackage) computed metrics (GeoTIFF), metrics plot (png), spectral trajectory plot (png), log files (txt)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Basic Package kNearestNeighbours Predicts forest properties or other user specified target variables using k Nearest Neighbours (kNN) algorithm. More information at: GeoTIFF image, Reference data (.csv) GeoTIFF, CSV
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement AutoChange Change detection between two multispectral images from (preferably) the same satellite system; based on VTT-developed AutoChange methodology, which utilizes K-means clustering and subdivision of clusters of the first image

GeoTIFF image. File name heuristics used to detect image type to be able to use default parameters:

Sentinel 2: S2A_MSIL1C_*, S2B_MSIL1C_*, S2A_L1C_* S2B_L1C_*, S2A_MSIL2A_*, S2B_MSIL2A_*, S2A_L2A_* or S2B_L2A_*.

Landsat 8: LC08_*, LO08_*, LC8_* or LO8_*

Or Envimon output

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement ProbaCluster

Unsupervised K-means clustering

Part of the Probability classification and estimation chain

GeoTIFF or ERS image, or the Envimon output (zip) ProbaCluster output (zip)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement ProbaModel

Associates ground reference data with the clusters from ProbaCluster, by producing variable (forest or other) spatial averages

Part of the Probability classification and estimation chain

ProbaCluster output (zip), Reference data (plot data, shapefile or an estimates image) ProbaModel output (zip)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement ProbaEstimates

Produces a variable estimates output for (forest or other) spatial variables using clusters from ProbaCluster and cluster content data from ProbaModel

Part of the Probability classification and estimation chain

GeoTIFF or ERS image, or the Envimon output (zip), ProbaModel output (zip) ProbaEstimates output (zip)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement MaskProba‌Estimates

Masks the output from ProbaEstimates with cloud mask generated in the Envimon service and with an optional forest mask

Part of the Probability classification and estimation chain

ProbaEstimates output (zip), Envimon output (zip), Forest mask (GeoTiff), optional ProbaEstimates output (zip)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement ForestProperty‌Data‌Xml‌2Shape Converts ForestPropertyData from the Finnish Forest Information Standard to ESRI shapefiles ForestPropertyData xml Shapefile
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement Estimate2Vector Appends existing forest stand data with forest variable estimates provided as a raster image; the vector formatted stand data can be GeoJSON, ESRI shapefile or ForestPropertyData from the Finnish Forest Information Standard Estimate image in GDAL supported format, Stand data (either ForestPropertyData xml, GeoJSON or Shapefile) Updated stand data (XML, GeoJSON or Shapefile)


Supporting Processing Services

Provider Availability Title Description Input Output
Forestry TEP Pay-per-use Sen2Like
Using the Sen2Like tool, combines Sentinel-2 with Landsat data to reach a denser time series of harmonised or fused surface reflectance products. Sentinel-2 L1C
Landsat 8/9
Zipped .SAFE folder structure, or a single GeoTIFF image of each output
Forestry TEP Basic package Sen2Cor2110, Sen2Cor290, Sen2Cor255
Performs atmospheric, terrain and cirrus correction of Top-Of-Atmosphere Sentinel-2 L1C input data. The latest version Sen2Cor 2.11.0 applies for processing baselines 02.05 – 05.09 and uses the Copernicus DEM. Sentinel-2 L1C GeoTIFF
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Basic package Sentinel2ToGeotiff Creates a GeoTIFF image from Sentinel-2 Level 1C or Level 2A input image with chosen bands and output image resolution Sentinel-2 L1C or L2A in .SAFE format GeoTIFF
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Basic package Fmask40 Generates cloud masks for the input images using Fmask 4.0 algorithm; supports Sentinel 2 Level 1C and Landsat 8 images Sentinel-2 L1C, Landsat 8 GeoTIFF
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Basic package Envimon Extracts Sentinel-2 data to a multi-band image, and performs cloud masking with a VTT in-house method; outputs the contained images and the generated cloud masks Sentinel-2 L1C, Sentinel-2 L2A, Landsat 8 Envimon output (zip)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Basic package ALSMetrics Derives metrics from airborne laser scanning data into a raster file that is suitable for joint use with Sentinel-2 data ALS data in LAS format GeoTIFF
Forestry TEP Basic package GdalInfo
Runs gdalinfo on given image(s) Image(s) in GDAL supported format Text file
Forestry TEP Basic package GdalTranslate
Runs gdal_translate on a given image Image in GDAL supported format An image in GDAL supported format
Forestry TEP Basic package GdalWarp
Runs gdalwarp on given image(s) Image(s) in GDAL supported format An image in GDAL supported format
Forestry TEP Basic package GdalCalc
Runs for one or two input images Images (1-2) in GDAL supported format An image in GDAL supported format
Forestry TEP Standard package S1stack Mosaic Sentinel-1 images along the orbit, generating a separate image band per each acquisition day in the output product Sentinel-1 GRD/SDV collection in the same geometry image stack (GeoTIFF)
Forestry TEP Standard package S1stackTempvar Mosaic Sentinel-1 images along the orbit, generating VV and VH bands per each acquisition day in the output product; additionally produces outputs with the interpolated stack and the temporal variability information Sentinel-1 GRDH/SDV images in the same geometry image stack (GeoTIFF), image stack interpolated (GeoTIFF), temporal variability (GeoTIFF)
Forestry TEP Standard package CombS2granules Combines multiple Sentinel-2 tiles, belonging to the same full acquisition image, into a single output N x Sentinel-2 L1C GeoTIFF
Forestry TEP Standard package CombS2granulesZ Combines multiple Sentinel-2 tiles, belonging to the same full acquisition image, into a single output; additionally performs projection to support tiles belonging to different UTM zones N x Sentinel-2 L1C GeoTIFF
Simosol by agreement, API use only Sentinel image selection Metadata query service for sentinel image selection that creates a database of the available images matching the search criteria and their metadata Parameters describing the required image characteristics Sqlite3 database
Terramonitor by agreement Analysis-ready S2 Combines a time series of Sentinel-2 L2A data to a uniform mosaic. Includes selection of usable data, atmospheric correction and relative radiometric normalization. N x Sentinel-2 L2A Analysis-ready Sentinel-2 GeoTIFF
Terramonitor by agreement S3toTiff Converts Sentinel-3 OLCI data to GeoTIFF format. Sentinel-3 OLCI GeoTIFF in EPSG:3857


GUI Applications

Provider Access Title Description Input Output
Forestry TEP Basic package Monteverdi Satellite image viewer and analysis tool from the open source Orfeo ToolBox v5.8.0 several input types [can export output]
Forestry TEP Basic package QGIS334, QGIS3 QGIS v3.34 (and an earlier version), a free and open source Geographic Information System several input types, e.g. GeoTIFF , Shapefile [can export output]
Forestry TEP Basic package SNAP Sentinel Applications Platform (SNAP) v6.0, an application for processing and analysis of Sentinel and other data – by Brockmann Consult, Array Systems Computing and C-S any Sentinel data [can export output]
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. by agreement ProbaUI GUI for the Probability classification and estimation chain that consists of ProbaCluster, ProbaModel and ProbaEstimates image data reference data [can export output]