New infrastructure for Forestry TEP

Monday 28 January marks another key step for Forestry TEP, after introducing our new web domain in November: we are transferring F-TEP to employ the infrastructure and data provision services of CREODIAS. Run by CloudFerro and their partners in Poland, it is one the five Copernicus DIAS platforms that started operations last year, with the aim of supporting European business and research activities in demand of data and processing services. As before, VTT and CGI are operating the Forestry TEP.
What does CREODIAS mean for the users of Forestry TEP? Optimally, very little in the short term: it is an under-the-hood change that we aim to carry out with no obvious effect to the users or service developers. Our top priority is to continue smooth and reliable provision of all services. The data catalogue will be as compelling as before. We do expect the modern, efficient architecture and equipment to offer a somewhat improved overall performance.
Primarily, this change is an enabler for the development of Forestry TEP, through improved data integration and expanded processing capability. During February-March, we aim to achieve a more consistent and better overall performance for data acquisition and processing.